A lumpectomy is a surgical procedure commonly used in the treatment of breast cancer. This topic covers the key aspects of lumpectomy:
Procedure: A lumpectomy, also known as breast-conserving surgery, involves the removal of the tumor or abnormal tissue from the breast while preserving the rest of the breast. We often follow it with radiation therapy to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.
Indications: A lumpectomy is typically recommended when the cancer is in its early stages, the tumor is small, and the patient's overall health allows for breast conservation.
Benefits: The primary advantage of a lumpectomy is that it allows women to retain their breast, leading to better cosmetic outcomes and psychological well-being compared to mastectomy (complete removal of the breast).
Consultation: If you've been diagnosed with breast cancer or are considering a lumpectomy, consult with a breast cancer specialist or surgeon like Dr. Randy Lehman at Liberty Clinic. We can assess your individual case, discuss the potential benefits and risks, and provide tailored guidance on the best treatment plan for you.